Asian Aspects of Periodontology and Implantology | 拾書所

Asian Aspects of Periodontology and Implantology

$ 1,350 元 原價 1,500
When in the East, Work with What the East Has!
Regarding teeth and the periodontium, the anatomical disadvantages of eastern populations from western
populations often leads to greater tooth mobility following periodontal treatment, due to their shorter and
tapered roots. Asians’ thinner gingiva is more prone to recede and give way to exaggerated destruction
even when in response to moderate insults. Furthermore, cultural differences-primarily the lower compli-
ance of eastern patients-often give rise to higher incidences of recurrence. These are the reasons why
treating periodontal diseases is more challenging in Asians than Caucasians.
Pau卜Yin Lin
Past President, Taiwan Academy Periodontology

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