天主教社會哲學專題 | 拾書所


$ 209 元 原價 220

1 導言:天主教社會哲學專題 沈清松、周明泉
5 天主教社會哲學的形上基礎及其本地化 沈清松
27 The Four Principles of Catholic Social Doctrine in the Light of the Philosophy of Zhu Xi Edmund RYDEN SJ (雷敦龢)
51 論後世俗的社會正義:天主教社會哲學的觀點 周明泉
69 從單國璽的「第七倫」論教宗若望保祿二世所示警之「惡的意識形態」:以天主教社會訓導為中心 林湘義
89 天主教社會訓導政治權威觀剖析——在「政府是必要的惡」與「一切權力歸蘇維埃」之間尋求中道 白虹
103 理想如何照耀現實——從天主教社會訓導看中國天主教會推進正義的實踐 朱曉紅、方補課
119 以社會秩序為基礎探討婚姻家庭價值與夫妻忠誠義務 金毓瑋

135 書評:J. Milburn Thompson, Introducing Catholic Social Thought 陳德光
141 書評:劉錦昌,《神學的公共事務》 林湘義

147 荀子的同治哲學 李承律
163 從同情到同理——失去視域融合的醫病溝通如何可能? 黃苓嵐
181 明代陰符詮釋學略論 張永宏

197 學界訊息 陳俊宇

201 編後語 陳文祥

26 稿約 50 102 中外文註釋格式 134 162 中外文參考文獻格式
180 進行中的專題 200 下期預告 203《哲學大辭書》第六冊出版訊息

Table of Contents
Special Issue: Catholic Social Philosophy
1 Introduction: Catholic Social Philosophy Vincent SHEN, Ming-Chuan CHOU
5 Catholic Social Doctrine’s Metaphysical Foundation and its Indigenization in Chinese Context Vincent SHEN
27 The Four Principles of Catholic Social Doctrine in the Light of the Philosophy of Zhu Xi Edmund RYDEN SJ
51 On Postsecular Social Justice: A Perspective of Catholic Social Philosophy Ming-Chuan CHOU
69 Exploration of the Pope John Paul II’s “Evil Ideology” from the “The Seventh God Relationship” of Shan Kuo-Hsi: Centering on the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church Hsiang-Yi LIN
89 An Analysis on the View of Political Authority of the Catholic Social Teaching—Find a Balance between “Government is a Necessary Evil” and “All Power belongs to Soviet” Hong BAI
103 How Does Ideality Enlighten Reality—A Study on Justice Practiced by Catholic Church in China from the View of Catholic Social Teachings Xiaohong ZHU, Buke FANG
119 The Value of Marriage to Family and Spousal Fiduciary Duty: A Study Based on Social Order Yuk-Wai KING

Special Topic Book Reviews
135 J. Milburn Thompson, Introducing Catholic Social Thought Tak-Kwong CHAN
141 Ching-Chang Liu, The Public Affairs of Theology Hsiang-Yi LIN

147 Xunzi’s Philosophy of Joint Rule Sungryule LEE
163 From Sympathy to Empathy—Is It Possible to Have a Good Physician-Patient Communication without “Fusion of Horizons”? Ling-Lang HUANG
181 A Study on Hermeneutics of Yin Fu Jing During Ming Dynasty Yong-hong ZHANG

197 News Chun Yu CHEN

201 From the Editor Wen-Hsiang CHEN

Messages & Information
26 Call for Papers 50 102 Guidelines for Footnotes
134 162 Guideline for Bibliographies 180 Special Issues in Programs 200 Preview of Next Issue
203 The Publish Message of Chinese Encyclopedia of Philosophy Vol.6

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