當代策展藝術及實踐:身體、性別、科技 | 拾書所


$ 494 元 原價 520


The Art of Contemporary Curation and Its Realisation:
Body,Gender and Technology

This book features eight exhibitions curated by Ming Turner between 2010 and 2017.They cover inspiring artworks created by more than 60 artists from around the world.In line with the ongoing and rapid development of technology,the exhibition introduced in this book explore the fact that technological art has become an essential artistic style in the field of visual art.Artworks dealing with the ideology of gender,have been re-examinig the discourses of gender from a number of different perspectives.Through contemporary curation,Ming Turner explores how both curator and artists have re-fashioned the issues of body and gender through the 'new aesthetics' embodied in the era of digitality and technology.

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