敦煌韻致:饒宗頤教授之敦煌學術藝術展圖錄 | 拾書所


$ 1,510 元 原價 1,716
This exhibition catalogue consists of Dunhuang-themed paintings, calligraphy, and studio objects by Professor Jao Tsung-i selected from his impressive oeuvre which spans from the 1960’s to the present day. The exhibits include paintings in Dunhuang fresco and line drawing styles, scenery of Dunhuang and nearby areas, and calligraphy in Dunhuang sutra and wooden slip styles.Professor Jao once mentioned that in the last century, Japanese stated that if anyone needed to research on Dunhuang Studies, one must visit Japan. However, with the efforts made by Professor Jao and other scholars of the same period, Dunhuang has indisputably proven to be the centre of Dunhuang Studies. Moreover, his achievement in Dunhuang academic and art research has also become a crucial part of Dunhuang Studies nowadays. For the above reasons, Professor Jao was granted the ‘Award of Special Contributions to the P

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