中葡混血兒John Rocha 在烹飪界出道短短一年的時間,已經在其社交媒體平台吸引了過萬的粉絲,料理班舉辦了接近200 場。其簡單易做的葡萄牙/澳葡料理菜式深受歡迎。
全書分為三個章節:昨日、今日和明日。昨日部分記述了John 兒時成長的片段,食物與他的關係;今日部分敘述了John 從一名料理導師的眼中所看到的人和事;明日部分寫下了從料理導師變成為KOL 的過程及感受。
書中介紹了40 款部分已失傳的土生澳葡菜食譜和葡萄牙菜食譜,包括了馬介休薯球、非洲雞、西洋一品鍋和焗蕃薯糕等等。他每一道菜都藏著一種情,親情、友情、愛情包羅其中,讀者看的時候除了看到色香味,也會看到人情味。
The Ham Har Chaan Cookbook is not just a book about recipes. It is a book about people, about how food inspires people, and how food connects people.
Chinese-Portuguese Eurasian John Rocha has won over 10,000 followers in less than a year, and conducted over 200 cooking classes. He is famous for simple and yet delicious Portuguese and Macanese recipes that made home cooking so much fun. No fuss with plating, his recipes are purely the authentic taste of food.
John is truly a man of passion and love. His home recipes remind his childhood memories, bonding between he and his father, the love of his late grandma, and what he sees from the eyes of a celebrity cooking instructor. There are moments to laugh at, to cry for and to treasure. Ham Har Chaan Cookbook takes readers to a journey of love and fun in 3 parts: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
Featuring 40 Macanese and Portuguese recipes, including the very famous Bacalhau Fritters, African Chicken, the long lost recipes of Daibo and Batatada.
全書分為三個章節:昨日、今日和明日。昨日部分記述了John 兒時成長的片段,食物與他的關係;今日部分敘述了John 從一名料理導師的眼中所看到的人和事;明日部分寫下了從料理導師變成為KOL 的過程及感受。
書中介紹了40 款部分已失傳的土生澳葡菜食譜和葡萄牙菜食譜,包括了馬介休薯球、非洲雞、西洋一品鍋和焗蕃薯糕等等。他每一道菜都藏著一種情,親情、友情、愛情包羅其中,讀者看的時候除了看到色香味,也會看到人情味。
The Ham Har Chaan Cookbook is not just a book about recipes. It is a book about people, about how food inspires people, and how food connects people.
Chinese-Portuguese Eurasian John Rocha has won over 10,000 followers in less than a year, and conducted over 200 cooking classes. He is famous for simple and yet delicious Portuguese and Macanese recipes that made home cooking so much fun. No fuss with plating, his recipes are purely the authentic taste of food.
John is truly a man of passion and love. His home recipes remind his childhood memories, bonding between he and his father, the love of his late grandma, and what he sees from the eyes of a celebrity cooking instructor. There are moments to laugh at, to cry for and to treasure. Ham Har Chaan Cookbook takes readers to a journey of love and fun in 3 parts: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
Featuring 40 Macanese and Portuguese recipes, including the very famous Bacalhau Fritters, African Chicken, the long lost recipes of Daibo and Batatada.