家有六仟金:李家有六位如花似玉、千嬌百媚的女兒(中英雙語版) | 拾書所


$ 593 元 原價 750

本書集結旅美華裔女作家余國英女士發表的三十九篇散文,中英雙語對照;其中《我們的小妹夫》也在2020年“天津好家風小說─成人組競賽”得獎,另二篇英譯作品《The first prize winner》與《One Red Flower among Ten Thousands Green Leaves》也已經蒐錄於“2020-2021 English Short Story Conference Anthology”。





Thank You: Edited by Wendy Chou (2019.10.30)

“How about I translate my Chinese articles into English so you can enjoy them with ease?” I suggested to my English reading relatives and friends generosity. And also figure that it will be a very good chance for me to practice my own English as well. Alas, It turned out that was so much easier said than done! After translating some of my published Chinese articles into English, I certainly have to admit that the English really is not my first language! It does need a lot of editing to make the reader really enjoy the articles!
Whom should I ask to do this unprofitable job? Since I don’t have any money to pay for their hard work?
For fear of too much works may take too much of their time, in order to reduce the burden of each person's work, I have asked more than one to share the editing work, they are my dearest friends or relatives:
1, Adela Karliner, In-law, college English professor, Retired lawyer.
2, Sandy Chin, Friend, Special Educationer.
3, Descartes Li, son, professor of psychiatrists
4, Wendy Chu, niece, environmental worker.
5, Ruth Yen, niece, Librarian.
6, Pearl Karliner Li, granddaughter,
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all six of them for the time, effort and knowledge they have taken, in order to polish my work!
I have always thought that all the people in the world are all my friends, and those who are willing to read my hard work which were written with my sweat and tears in Chinese, or willing to read the my English article which had been edited by my friends and relatives are all my dearest "best friend"!
Here, I sincerely invite all my best friends to my blog:

http://wxs.hi2net.com 余國英

Again, Thank you all very much!


在美國居住已經超過半世紀,一直用中文的繁體字及簡体字來書寫中國同胞在美國異鄉的故事, 因為中文是我這在中國出生的人的第一文字啊!
1, 柯艾達,親家,英語教授。
2, 秦珊蒂,好友,特殊教育者。
3, 李德康,兒子,心理醫師教授。
4, 周文婷,姨姪女,環境工作者。
5, 顏如詩,外甥女,圖書管理員。
6, 李維珍,孫女,辦公室工作者。


Foreword: Edited by Wendy Chou(2019.10.30)

Having Lived in the United States for more than half a century, I have been using Chinese traditional and simplified characters to write the stories of Chinese compatriots in the U.S., Quite simply, because I was born and lived my formative years in China, so Chinese is my first language.
My son and his wife told me that there have been times when they were eating at a Restaurant, and a manager or waiter came over to say, "Yesterday, in the newspaper we read your mother's article in which she mentioned you!"
"That's great! Can I borrow your paper?” My son would answer.
When the newspaper was brought over, they found it was in Chinese; "Mom, you know, although I’ve studied Chinese for many years, but I can’t read Chinese newspapers and magazines as well as I read English!" My son complained to me.
The same thing happened to the next generation of my American–born relatives, including my nephews, nieces, and their families and friends as well as my grandchildren.
Deep down in my heart, I do perfectly understand his feelings! Like many naturalized-Chinese Americans, even though I have lived in the U.S. for more years than I lived in China, however, the Chinese language still comes to me lots easier than English does.
To reach all these potential readers, I decided to translate my works into English. And I figured that it would also be a very good chance for me to practice my English. Alas, it turned out to be easier said than done! When I read the translated English version of my article, I suddenly realized that English certainly is my second language! It does need a lot of editing to help the reader really enjoy the article!
For fear that of too many works may take too much of their time, (since after all, I did not have any money to pay any of them), and in order to reduce each person's share of burden, I have asked these dear friends or relatives to share the editing work:

My friend and in-law, Adela Karliner; my friend, Sandra Chin; my son, Descartes Li; my niece, Wendy Chu; Ruth Yen; and my granddaughter, Pearl Karliner Li.
I didn't imagine that in a few years, it would all be accumulated into a book, but it certainly has made me very happy!
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for the time, effort and knowledge that you have contributed to help this book reach completion.
The original articles of this book were published in Chinese, later translated into English by the author, -and the English text were further edited and polished by Sandra, Descartes and Wendy. -Therefore, the original Chinese versions which have been included at the end of the book for reference, should not be thought as word-for-word "English-Chinese parallel texts.” it should be more interesting to read the way it is.
I have always thought that all the world’s people are all my friends, those who are willing to read in Chinese, the work which I created through sweat and tears, or are willing to read in English those words which have been edited by my expert friends and relatives, are all my dearest "best friends"!

I sincerely invite my all

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