Adventures with Great Minds | 拾書所

Adventures with Great Minds

$ 243 元 原價 270

「鐵道之父」史蒂芬森(George Stephenson)的發明是如何帶來進步?誰的想像力給了我們經典小說《西遊記》?上個世紀美國護士克拉拉.巴頓(Clara Barton)給這個世界留下了什麼遺產?哈雷彗星又是如何被發現的?通過查爾斯.達爾文(Charles Darwin)的眼睛觀察生物、被海倫凱勒驚人決心與毅力所啟發。


Adventures with Great Minds is an immersive encounter with 20 of history's most influential people. How did George Stephenson's invention bring progress? Whose imagination gave us the Chinese classic, Journey to the West? What legacy did Clara Barton leave? Learn how Halley's Comet was discovered. Observe living things through the eyes of Charles Darwin. And be inspired by Helen Keller's determination. From early ocean navigators to the first man to walk on the moon, experience the genius and grit of the world's great minds as never before!

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