Teaching Grammar Creatively 2/e | 拾書所

Teaching Grammar Creatively 2/e

$ 765 元 原價 850
產品特色 :

全書共分四章,提供55堂完整的課程:並附有access code可登入helbling-ezone.com使用相關線上資源。
 Chapter 1: Phrases, Chunks & Common Functions
 Chapter 2: Verbs
 Chapter 3: Question Forms
 Chapter 4: Complex Structures

A部分主要在培養學生的語感,以圖片描述、模仿造句、句式改寫及情境問答等型式提供學生文法練習,同時搭配畫圖或小組討論等,以漸進引導的方式讓學生認識文法。有別於傳統文法教材,本部分多為互動式練習,包括要求學生修改常見錯誤的句子,如 *This sweater feels softly and looks nicely,讓學生了解感官動詞 feel, look 和 smell 等應接形容詞而非副詞。從錯誤中學習比一般記誦規則更有效;又如 something 和 anything 的規則抽象,爲了讓學生理解使用情境,透過書中相關的猜謎,在游戲了解兩者的差異。

B部分則提供更深入、語義為核心的互動機會,以A部分的文法知識為基礎,透過撰寫簡單的詩句、小故事等,學生將能更廣泛且更有創意的運用所學,並在課堂上與同儕分享,激發學生的創造力幫學生熟悉文法。學生將有大量口説和寫作的練習機會,且都以分組活動進行,同時加强給予評價和回饋的能力,例如在課前請同學帶來一份難忘的禮物,各自向組員描述,並在過程中盡量運用 A 部分所學内容。

 全書的文本、圖片及錄音資源均在 ezone.helbling.com 上架,歡迎註冊下載。請參考封底裡access code。

One of the secrets of teaching a foreign language successfully lies in balancing routine classroom work with innovative and creative activities and techniques.
This series offers teachers, teacher trainers and teacher trainees a discussion of new developments in various areas, such as linguistics, pedagogy and cognitive psychology, and shows them practical ways of using key findings in these areas to earich their own teaching.

Teaching Grammar Creatively offers 55 complete lessons covering a wide range of grammar structures, learner levels, and age groups, designed to stimulate the imagination, humour and creativity of your students.
Each lesson is divided into two self-standing main sections:
* Section A helps develop language awareness and introduces and provides initial practice of language areas that may still be unfamiliar to your learners.
* Section B provides an opportunity for a deeper and more meaning-focused engagement with these areas, always in an extended context, and always with a strong element of individual creativity.
In this second edition, you’ll find the following changes:
 New lessons that focus on high-frequency ‘chunks’, consistent with the view that there is no clear distinction between vocabulary (in the form of chunks) and grammar is a fuzzy one.
 A greater variety of creative activity types, especially in the B sections of each unit.
 Suggestions on how to use gamification as a motivational booster and to help students improve their memory for language.
 A wide range of texts, pictures and recordings available on helbling-ezome.com

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