Activate Your Money: Invest to Grow Your Wealth and Build a Better World | 拾書所

Activate Your Money: Invest to Grow Your Wealth and Build a Better World

$ 608 元 原價 770
Educate yourself about finance and socially conscious investing with a woman-centered approach. Activate Your Money provides the foundational support women need to talk to each other about their money, invest to grow their wealth, and to take the actions required to shift their assets into alignment with their values. Written for smart, savvy women who want to feel financially empowered, Activate Your Money starts where other personal finance books leave off. It delivers the depth of information you need to make informed investment decisions across your entire portfolio. Starting with checking and savings accounts and proceeding asset class by asset class, this book provides you with core investment knowledge, as well as concrete examples about how and where you can invest your money in alignment with your values.

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