Raising Lazarus: Hope, Justice, and the Future of America’s Overdose Crisis | 拾書所

Raising Lazarus: Hope, Justice, and the Future of America’s Overdose Crisis

$ 759 元 原價 759
【直擊美國鴉片藥癮危機,向沉默抗毒先鋒致敬】 當新冠疫情成為媒體焦點,美國鴉片類藥癮危機不但未曾減緩,反而愈演愈烈。 獲獎記者梅西以《毒疫》揭露鴉片類藥癮危機之後,前進重災區向第一線英雄致敬。這些抗毒勇士來自各行各業,其中有不懼牢嶽之災,為街友、毒癮者提供緊急救護的滅害主義人士,也有堅持向始作俑者普渡製藥和薩克勒家族究責的社會運動者。即使資源少得可憐,他們從未退卻。 Nearly a decade into the second wave of America's overdose crisis, pharmaceutical companies have yet to answer for the harms they created. As pending court battles against opioid makers, distributors, and retailers drag on, addiction rates have soared to record-breaking levels during the COVID pandemic, illustrating the critical need for leadership, urgency, and change. Meanwhile, there is scant consensus between law enforcement and medical leaders, nor an understanding of how to truly scale the programs that are out there, working at the ragged edge of capacity and actually saving lives.

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