Abundance: The Inner Path to Wealth | 拾書所

Abundance: The Inner Path to Wealth

$ 498 元 原價 630
《人生成敗的靈性7法》作者 狄帕克.喬布拉 新作! 在恐懼和不安全感中培養富足感, 成為改變自己的推動者! Many of us live and operate from a mind-set of lack, scarcity, and limitation. We focus on what we don’t have—financial security, confidence, an intimate relationship—which keeps us feeling insecure and inadequate. We think “if only I could have those things, I could be happy.” But measuring wealth by money or material possessions leaves us feeling drained and spiritually empty. Constantly striving for more often means our ego is driving our thoughts, actions, and reactions, which prevents us from reaching something greater: a true sense of inner peace, acceptance, and fulfillment. Yet, there is an inner path to prosperity and wealth that, once charted and explored, provides access to the great riches of the universe and life’s unbounded possibilities.

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