Notes on Grief | 拾書所

Notes on Grief

$ 375 元 原價 475
知名作家父親驟逝,卻因疫情無法見上最後一面... 阿迪契生於奈及利亞,父母都是知識分子。她赴美留學,獲柑橘獎、女性小說獎等多項文學獎,是當代備受矚目的非裔英語作家。 新冠肺炎肆虐全球期間,阿迪契與家人被迫分隔兩地,父親卻突如其然在2020年夏天死於腎衰竭併發症。 From the globally acclaimed, best-selling novelist and author of We Should All Be Feminists, a timely and deeply personal account of the loss of her father. Notes on Grief is an exquisite work of meditation, remembrance, and hope, written in the wake of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's beloved father's death in the summer of 2020. As the COVID-19 pandemic raged around the world, and kept Adichie and her family members separated from one another, her father succumbed unexpectedly to complications of kidney failure. 她在《紐約客》懷念父親的文章後來發展為本書,內容交織她的悲傷、孤獨、憤怒、直白的幽默感,還有父視的生命故事。

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