On Quality: An Inquiry into Excellence: Unpublished and Selected Writings | 拾書所

On Quality: An Inquiry into Excellence: Unpublished and Selected Writings

$ 599 元 原價 599
美國哲學家波西格著有《禪與摩托車維修的藝術》描述一場父子摩托車之旅,也闡明其理論「質素形而上學」。 該書一九七四年出版後成為現代大眾哲學經典,有「最多讀者的哲學書」之譽。 「質素」可指精進、正確、合度,類似佛家的「法」或道家的「道」。 本書精選波西格生前的未發表文章、演講、信件、採訪和私人筆記,從中可一窺哲學大師的思考之路。 Featuring long-awaited selections from Robert M. Pirsig's unpublished writings, from before and after Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, an original collection illuminating the central theme of Pirsig's thought: “Quality” More than a decade before the release of the book that would make him famous, Robert M. Pirsig had already caught hold of the central theme that would animate Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: “Quality,” a concept loosely likened to “excellence,” “rightness,” or “fitness” that Pirsig saw as kindred to the Buddhist ideas of “dharma” or the “Tao.” As he later wrote in Zen, “Quality is the Buddha.”

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