Upgrade | 拾書所


$ 499 元 原價 499
《人生複本》、《記憶的玩物》作者布萊克.克勞奇全新力作《升級》! 基因遭竄改而「升級」的人,還算人類嗎? 挑動你最敏感的神經,一本揉合科幻與驚悚的上乘之作! 一個基因組被駭入並被強制升級的男子Logan Ramsay,發現自己似乎變成一個各方面能力都超乎常人的加強版人類。當他發現幕後主使者的最終目標是「升級」全體人類,而他又是能阻止此事的唯一人選,Ramsay該如何抉擇? At first, Logan Ramsay isn’t sure if anything’s different. He just feels a little . . . sharper. Better able to concentrate. Better at multitasking. Reading a bit faster, memorizing better, needing less sleep. But before long, he can’t deny it: Something’s happening to his brain. To his body. He’s starting to see the world, and those around him—even those he loves most—in whole new ways. The truth is, Logan’s genome has been hacked. And there’s a reason he’s been targeted for this upgrade. A reason that goes back decades to the darkest part of his past, and a horrific family legacy. Worse still, what’s happening to him is just the first step in a much larger plan, one that will inflict the same changes on humanity at large—at a terrifying cost.

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