Oh William! From the author of My Name is Lucy Barton | 拾書所

Oh William! From the author of My Name is Lucy Barton

$ 499 元 原價 499
百萬暢銷書《生命是頭安靜的獸》、《不良品》作者 普利茲獎得主:伊麗莎白‧斯特勞特2021矚目新書:《 喔, 威廉!》! ✰ 2022布克獎決選入圍! 露西是紐約市的成功作家,丈夫剛剛過世,兩個女兒都已成人。露西巧遇前夫威廉。威廉也是她斷斷續續偶有聯絡的知心朋友。從兩人的大學時光、兩個女兒的出生、婚姻的崩解,以及各自與他人重建的人生等種種回憶,作者以細膩筆觸描述一段溫柔、複雜且久遠的夥伴關係。 Lucy Barton is a successful writer living in New York, navigating the second half of her life as a recent widow and parent to two adult daughters. A surprise encounter leads her to reconnect with William, her first husband - and longtime, on-again-off-again friend and confidante. Recalling their college years, the birth of their daughters, the painful dissolution of their marriage, and the lives they built with other people, Strout weaves a portrait, stunning in its subtlety, of a tender, complex, decades-long partnership.

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