《Olive, Again》、《生命是頭安靜的獸》、《不良品》、《喔, 威廉!》
伊麗莎白‧斯特勞特 2022矚目新書!
✰ 斯特勞特小說登紐時暢榜
✰ 普立茲獎小說《不良品》續作
2020 年 3 月,露西的前夫威廉懇求她離開紐約,來到他在的海邊房子。露西不情願地同意了,希望一兩週後回來。結果幾個星期變成了幾個月,只有露西、威廉和他們複雜的過去一起在依偎在大海的小房子裡。
In March 2020 Lucy's ex-husband William pleads with her to leave New York and escape to a coastal house he has rented in Maine. Lucy reluctantly agrees, leaving the washing-up in the sink, expecting to be back in a week or two. Weeks turn into months, and it's just Lucy, William, and their complex past together in a little house nestled against the sea.