The Light We Carry: Overcoming In Uncertain Times | 拾書所

The Light We Carry: Overcoming In Uncertain Times

$ 599 元 原價 1,375
【美國前第一夫人:蜜雪兒.歐巴馬2022矚目新作《我們身上有光: 照亮不確定的時刻》!】(英版) ✰ 蜜雪兒新書登紐時暢榜冠軍! 美國前第一夫人蜜雪兒.歐巴馬相信我們能更好的應對改變,並在不斷變化的環境中下保持安定。她坦誠與讀者對話,分享她為適應改變和克服各種障礙而養成的習慣和原則。 In The Light We Carry, former First Lady Michelle Obama shares practical wisdom and powerful strategies for staying hopeful and balanced in today's highly uncertain world. She considers the questions many of us wrestle with: How do we build enduring and honest relationships? How can we discover strength and community inside our differences? What do we do when it all starts to feel like too much? Michelle Obama believes that we can all lean on a set of tools to help us better navigate change and remain steady within flux. The Light We Carry offers readers a series of fresh stories and insightful reflections on change, challenge, and power, including her belief that when we light up for others, we can illuminate the richness and potential of the world around us, discovering deeper truths and new pathways for progress. Drawing from her experiences as a mother, daughter, spouse, friend, and First Lady, she shares the habits and principles she has developed to successfully overcome various obstacles -- the earned wisdom that helps her continue to "become."

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