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$ 435 元 原價 550
伊恩.麥克尤恩繼《贖罪》後又一深刻之作! 【生活和記憶在歷史中成形,人在創傷中成長】 我們能否在不傷害他人的情況下完全掌控自己的人生?歷史事件如何塑造我們和我們的記憶?機會和偶然性在我們的存在中扮演什麼角色?我們可以從過去的創傷中學到什麼? 從蘇伊士運河危機到英國脫歐,布克獎得主麥克尤恩架構宏大時空場景,描寫凡夫俗子如何受到日常生活磨礪,並在重大歷史事件中掙扎向前。主角羅蘭以酒館鋼琴師及自由記者的身分維持生計。十一歲時,寄宿學校鋼琴教師的性虐待帶給他的創傷揮之不去。妻子拋下他和襁褓中的兒子追求自我,迫使羅蘭正視自己的不安,用餘生深入家族的歷史尋求解答... When the world is still counting the cost of the Second World War and the Iron Curtain has descended, young Roland Baines's life is turned upside down. Stranded at boarding school, his vulnerability attracts his piano teacher, Miriam Cornell, leaving scars as well as a memory of love that will never fade. Twenty-five years later Roland's wife mysteriously vanishes, and he is left alone with their baby son. Her disappearance sparks of journey of discovery that will continue for decades, as Roland confronts the reality of his rootless existence and attempts to embrace the uncertainty - and freedom - of his future.

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