Murakami T: The T-Shirts I Love | 拾書所

Murakami T: The T-Shirts I Love

$ 473 元 原價 599
村上春樹分享私人衣櫃! 從輕鬆與繽紛的T-shirt收藏,豐富的照片加上輕鬆的生活隨寫雜文,窺探這位暢銷作家不為人知的生活! This is the ultimate gift for Murakami fans. Haruki Murakami's books have galvanized millions around the world. Many of his fans know about his 10,000-vinyl-record collection, and his obsession with running, but few have heard about a more intimate, and perhaps more unique, passion: his T-shirt-collecting habit.

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