The Avoidable War: The Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict between the US and Xi Jinping’s China | 拾書所

The Avoidable War: The Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict between the US and Xi Jinping’s China

$ 774 元 原價 1,000
陸克文《可避免的戰爭:美國與習近平治理下的中國》 隨著中美角力持續升溫,「中美終須一戰」已成主流論點,再觸即發的戰事,是否有轉圜餘地? 外交官出身的澳洲前總理,同時也是資深中國事務專家陸克文將以其多年來對區域政治的研究與涉外實務經驗,對中美問題提出其獨到的見解,力陳中美戰事發生仍能透過梳理雙方對過去的歧見與共築對未來的遠景來避免。 A war between China and the US would be catastrophic, deadly, and destructive. Unfortunately, it is no longer unthinkable. The relationship between the US and China, the world’s two superpowers, is peculiarly volatile. It rests on a seismic fault—of cultural misunderstanding, historical grievance, and ideological incompatibility. No other nations are so quick to offend and be offended. Their militaries play a dangerous game of chicken, corporations steal intellectual property, intelligence satellites peer, and AI technicians plot. The capacity for either country to cross a fatal line grows daily. Kevin Rudd, a former Australian prime minister who has studied, lived in, and worked with China for more than forty years, is one of the very few people who can offer real insight into the mindsets of the leadership whose judgment will determine if a war will be fought. The Avoidable War demystifies the actions of both sides, explaining and translating them for the benefit of the other. Geopolitical disaster is still avoidable, but only if these two giants can find a way to coexist without betraying their core interests through what Rudd calls “managed strategic competition.” Should they fail, down that path lies the possibility of a war that could rewrite the future of both countries, and the world.

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