《地下鐵路》、《The Nickel Boys》作者新書!
紐時暢銷榜 哈林區浮生錄
1959 年,雷卡尼(Ray Carney)在哈林區銷售二手家具。身為一個丈夫、父親和一個曾經為犯罪頭頭工作的小弟,卡尼只是交到壞朋友了。
這些逞兇鬥狠的角色是Whitehead 對麥卡錫(Cormac McCarthy)小說《險路勿近》(No Country for Old Men)裡反派的致敬。也迫使卡尼決定想要成為什麼樣的人。
一本以民權時代的哈林區為背景,喬裝成犯罪小說,關於荒謬的道德、種族和權力的社會小說。深刻的人物描寫,是作者寫給 60 年代哈林區的情書。
Few people know he descends from a line of uptown hoods and crooks, and that his façade of normalcy has more than a few cracks in it. Cracks that are getting bigger all the time.
Cash is tight, especially with all those installment-plan sofas, so if his cousin Freddie occasionally drops off the odd ring or necklace, Ray doesn’t ask where it comes from. He knows a discreet jeweler downtown who doesn’t ask questions, either.