Sea of Tranquility | 拾書所

Sea of Tranquility

$ 499 元 原價 499
【人生迴旋多重奏,穿越時空的小提琴音符】 艾蜜莉.孟德爾《寧靜海的旅人》 孟德爾取材當代疫情、融入科幻意象,筆下的吉光片羽,有溫柔、有悲慼,令人玩味且饒富哲思。 廿世紀,加拿大森林的漂泊青年; 廿一世紀,紐約布魯克林悼念亡妹的前衛作曲家; 廿三世紀,移居月球回到地球宣傳「疫情小說」的暢銷作家⋯ 廿五世紀的時間研究所發現這三人的生命中不約而同出現「錯置」的小提琴音,於是派員回到過去時空取得更多訊息⋯ In 1912, eighteen-year-old Edwin St. Andrew crosses the Atlantic, exiled from English polite society. In British Columbia, he enters the forest, spellbound by the beauty of the Canadian wilderness, and for a split second all is darkness, the notes of a violin echoing unnaturally through the air. The experience shocks him to his core.

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