The Greatest Invention: A History of the World in Nine Mysterious Scripts | 拾書所

The Greatest Invention: A History of the World in Nine Mysterious Scripts

$ 478 元 原價 605
邁諾斯文明的斐斯托斯圓盤、中世紀的伏尼契手稿、印加帝國結繩記事、中國甲骨文,還有以一人之力發明的印地安切羅基文字⋯義大利波隆那大學愛琴海文明教授費拉拉爬梳人類的文化與社會行為,探索最偉大發明「書寫」的源起。她有如歷史偵探,帶領讀者穿梭時空,造訪美索不達米亞、克里特島、中國、埃及、中美洲、復活節島等地,解密書寫如何萌芽。 This book tells the story of our greatest invention. Or, it almost does. Almost, because while the story has a beginning – in fact, it has many beginnings, not only in Mesopotamia, 3,100 years before the birth of Christ, but also in China, Egypt and Central America – and it certainly has a middle, one that snakes through the painted petroglyphs of Easter Island, through the great machines of empires and across the desks of inspired, brilliant scholars, the end of the story remains to be written.

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