The Monocle Book of the Nordics: An Exploration of Design, Business, Food & Fashion | 拾書所

The Monocle Book of the Nordics: An Exploration of Design, Business, Food & Fashion

$ 1,979 元 原價 1,979
【深度「樂」讀北歐人的生活、品味與堅持】 Monocle雜誌編輯團隊多角度深入觀察、踏查北歐各國的文化、生活、飲食、休閒、設計等傳統與特色,引領讀者深度「樂」讀北歐人的生活基調、品味與堅持。 This heavily illustrated book from Monocle is a celebration of the Nordic region, featuring some surprises, quirks―and maybe a sauna or two― along the way. Monocle’s journalists, editors, and photographers have returned time and again to all corners of northern Europe for insights, inspiration, and ideas for living better. This book isn’t about hammering the overhyped hygge trend or fussing over foamy food. Much the opposite―it’s about a shared but distinct set of values that have helped these nations excel in quiet diplomacy, thoughtful design, and reasoned debate. Monocle looks beyond the clichés and uncovers the people, companies, and stories that help the Nordic region rank highly in everything from art and architecture to eating well.

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