《TO:KY:OO 夜行東京》攝影師 Liam Wong 最新攝影作品集《天黑以后》
繼2020年發表的《夜行東京 TO:KY:OO》以獨特的質感與取景驚豔攝影圈後,睽違兩年Liam Wong再度推出最新攝影集,聚焦他最迷戀與擅長紀錄的城市夜景,霓虹光芒映照出都會生活喧鬧下複雜的靜寂情緒。
An intimate, one-of-a-kind photographic journey that documents Liam Wong’s nocturnal wanderings through the world’s most captivating cities.
In this singular photographic publication, Liam Wong weaves together a series of cinematic images that reveal the people and places, the slivers of life, that inhabit the mysterious space of night-time cities. Through his previous work as a videogame designer, Wong learned that ‘real life is just as potent, bizarre and interesting as things we can imagine’. From Hong Kong and Seoul to London and Edinburgh, After Dark reveals shadowy cityscapes through the eyes of the insomniac artist.