Magnificent Rebels: The First Romantics and the Invention of the Self | 拾書所

Magnificent Rebels: The First Romantics and the Invention of the Self

$ 473 元 原價 599
《博物學家的自然創世紀》作者 安德列雅.沃爾芙 2022 新作! 紐時暢銷作家Andrea Wulf繼《博物學家的自然創世紀》後,轉而帶領讀者回顧十八世紀末一群年輕不羈的靈魂為浪漫主義運動勾勒出最初樣貌的精彩歷史。 這些以詩人、作家與哲人為首的浪漫主義運動先驅將浪漫主義推上了世界的舞台的同時,也再次將對「個人」的關注拉回世人的視線內。他們對自我的想像、對個人創造潛力的深信不疑、對自然和自由的渴望,再次掀起一場至今對人類社會影響甚巨的思想革命。 In the 1790s an extraordinary group of friends changed the world. Disappointed by the French Revolution's rapid collapse into tyranny, what they wanted was nothing less than a revolution of the mind. The rulers of Europe had ordered their peoples how to think and act for too long. Based in the small German town of Jena, through poetry, drama, philosophy and science, they transformed the way we think about ourselves and the world around us. They were the first Romantics. Their way of understanding the world still frames our lives and being.We're still empowered by their daring leap into the self. We still think with their minds, see with their imagination and feel with their emotions. We also still walk the same tightrope between meaningful self-fulfilment and destructive narcissism, between the rights of the individual and our role as a member of our community and our responsibilities towards future generations who will inhabit this planet. This extraordinary group of friends changed our world. It is impossible to imagine our lives, thoughts and understanding without the foundation of their ground-breaking ideas.

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