Body Language Decoder: 50 Cards To Reveal What They're Really Thinking | 拾書所

Body Language Decoder: 50 Cards To Reveal What They're Really Thinking

$ 499 元 原價 499
【不經意的肢體語言,不藏私地說出人們的真心話】 50張圖卡解析常見的肢體語言、帶你從對方的姿態秒看懂對方的真實心思。 Learning to decode nonverbal communication can help us understand other people's thoughts and feelings, and it can help us make ourselves better understood too. Whether it's friends, family or lovers, colleagues or strangers, there is a wealth of meaning in the body language of those around us and most of us aren't even aware it exists - Body Language Decoder can help you tap into it. Being able to gauge more easily what a client or colleague is truly thinking or your partner is truly feeling will open up a world of understanding and communication.

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