Art: Explained: 100 Masterpieces and What They Mean | 拾書所

Art: Explained: 100 Masterpieces and What They Mean

$ 652 元 原價 825
米開朗基羅為何要花費這麼多時間彩繪西斯廷教堂? 林布蘭何以如此痴迷於創作自己的肖像畫? 兵馬俑或安迪沃荷的湯罐裡藏有什麼秘密? 本書列舉100個引人入勝的藝術家或傑作的相關問題,提供直截了當且令人滿意的答案。 Why did Michelangelo paint the Sistine Chapel, or Rembrandt obsess over painting his own image? What's the secret behind the Terracotta Army, or Andy Warhol's soup cans? Art: Explained offers straightforward and satisfying answers to 100 of these fascinating questions. If you've ever looked at an art masterpiece in awe, but wondered just what it means, here is your guide.

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