Frameables: My Louvre, 21 Prints for a Picture-Perfect Home | 拾書所

Frameables: My Louvre, 21 Prints for a Picture-Perfect Home

$ 565 元 原價 715
The twenty-one high-quality reproductions include works by artists from Caravaggio, Botticelli, Raphael, and Jan van Eyck, to Arcimboldo, Georges de la Tour, Fragonard, and Hieronymus Bosch-the prints can be easily removed from the book, placed in a standard-size frame, and displayed in the home. Step-by-step tips for grouping the works to create a harmonious gallery offer an interior designer’s expertise for displaying artworks together. Each masterpiece of art is explained on the back of the print. Interesting details about the highlighted works, the style of painting, and biographical information about the artist are accompanied by a “frameable fact” that helps readers understand the context of that particular work in the history of art. In addition, suggestions for where to see additional examples of each artist’s work guides the reader to expand his or her knowledge of art.

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