Quit : The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away | 拾書所

Quit : The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away

$ 599 元 原價 599
賓州大學認知心理學博士杜克結合職業撲克玩家經驗與心理學知識,投身決策領域研究,著作《高勝算決策》《高勝算決策2》都成為全美財經暢銷書。杜克在新作中打破大眾常有偏見,闡明「退」為成功不可或缺。她借鏡珠穆朗瑪峰登山者、Slack執行長巴特菲爾德等企業創辦人的故事,說明如何掌握「全押」與「棄牌」時機的策略,進而節省決策成本。 Discover when to grit, and when to quit. We are often told that the secret to success is hard work, determination, and hours of practice. But in a fast-changing world, what if the really crucial skill is knowing when to stick at something and when to change track and walk away? Quit makes the under-appreciated case for quitting and also shows you how to get really good at it. Drawing on stories from elite athletes to Everest climbers, comedians to musicians, Annie Duke (who left a successful poker career) explains why learning to quit well is often crucial to success. She provides clear strategies for working out when to cut your losses from a business product that isn't working, a relationship turned toxic, or a career that won't take you where you want to go.

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