High Performance: Lessons from the Best on Becoming Your Best | 拾書所

High Performance: Lessons from the Best on Becoming Your Best

$ 478 元 原價 605
傑克.漢佛瑞/ 達米安.休斯《世界冠軍教我的8堂高效能課: 他們成功不靠天賦、也非盲目苦練! 成功者的心態校正與思維進階法全公開》 High performance isn't born. It's made. This book uncovers the eight essential habits of the world's leading sportspeople, coaches and entrepreneurs. From taking responsibility for your situation to finding your 'Trademark Behaviours', it reveals how the world's highest-achieving people unlocked their potential - and how you can too. Anyone can learn the secrets of high performance.

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