Diana, William and Harry | 拾書所

Diana, William and Harry

$ 391 元 原價 495
在王妃之前,她是個母親。 即便貴為皇室,每天她也會問自己:我,是個好母親嗎? ✰ 紐時暢榜書訴說黛妃慈母心 ✰ 兩位暢銷作家從為人母角度書寫黛妃人生。 威廉和哈利從出生那一刻便成為黛妃的全世界。她自問,自己是好母親嗎?她教導王子即使敢於打破皇室傳統,仍要學會尊重。 Twenty-five years after her tragic death, James Patterson tells the heartbreaking true story of Princess Diana's life as a mother and a global icon. At the age of thirteen, she became Lady Diana Spencer. At twenty, Princess of Wales. At twenty-one, she earned her most important title: Mother. As she fell in love, first with Prince Charles and then with her sons, William and Harry, the world fell in love with the young royal family - Diana most of all.

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