The Maid | 拾書所

The Maid

$ 399 元 原價 663
關於這起飯店密室命案 房務員有話要說... 茉莉是麗晶大酒店的房務員,負責清理骯髒衣物、垃圾,還有房客的祕密… 茉莉早已習慣「被無視」,一起密室殺人事件卻讓她成為眾人注目焦點。 惡名昭彰的房客布雷克先生死在床上,屍體可不是那麼容易清理的。 事實並非黑白分明,茉莉在竊竊私語中抽絲剝繭找真相。 I am your maid. I know about your secrets. Your dirty laundry. But what do you know about me? Molly the maid is all alone in the world. A nobody. She’s used to being invisible in her job at the Regency Grand Hotel, plumping pillows and wiping away the grime, dust and secrets of the guests passing through. She’s just a maid – why should anyone take notice? But Molly is thrown into the spotlight when she discovers an infamous guest, Mr Black, very dead in his bed. This isn’t a mess that can be easily cleaned up. And as Molly becomes embroiled in the hunt for the truth, following the clues whispering in the hallways of the Regency Grand, she discovers a power she never knew was there. She’s just a maid – but what can she see that others overlook? Escapist, charming and introducing a truly original heroine, The Maid is a story about how everyone deserves to be seen. And how the truth isn’t always black and white – it’s found in the dirtier, grey areas in between . . .

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