Pictures by J.R.R. Tolkien | 拾書所

Pictures by J.R.R. Tolkien

$ 1,086 元 原價 1,375
【《魔戒》作者手繪插圖集】 內容包含《魔戒》作者托爾金的文字,在將近30年後重新發行,本書證實他擁有巨大的藝術家天賦,你能從中看到哈比人、魔戒和精靈的視覺構想以及迷人見解。 他的藝術作品包括描繪Rivendell、the Forest of Lothlorie等精美的水彩畫和素描,呈現中土世界的花卉和樹木、掛毯和紋章等,它們的多樣性是想像力豐富的證據。 這些迷人圖片是由托爾金親自挑選,讓你了解了對他獨特的藝術視野。 With Christopher Tolkien as your guide, take a tour through this colourful gallery of enchanting art produced by J.R.R. Tolkien and presented in an elegant new slipcased edition. This collection of pictures, with text by Christopher Tolkien, now reissued after almost 30 years confirms J.R.R. Tolkien’s considerable talent as an artist. It provides fascinating insight into his visual conception of many of the places and events familiar to readers of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. Examples of his art range from delicate watercolours depicting Rivendell, the Forest of Lothlorien, Smaug, and Old Man Willow, to drawings and sketches of Moria Gate and Minas Tirith. Together they form a comprehensive collection of Tolkien’s own illustrations for his most popular books.

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