The Paris Apartment | 拾書所

The Paris Apartment

$ 391 元 原價 495
【紐時暢榜小說巴黎公寓驚魂】 在這棟公寓裡,每個人都藏著秘密…… 失業的潔詩從倫敦飛往巴黎投靠同母異父哥哥,抵達時卻聯絡不到人。 她好不容易住進租金不菲的公寓,而其他的公寓住戶都不太友善,隨著哥哥失蹤愈久,她的疑問也愈多。 In a beautiful old apartment block, deep in the backstreets of Paris, secrets are stirring behind every resident’s door. The lonely wife. The party animal. The curtain-twitcher. The secret lover. The watchful caretaker. The unwanted guest. There was a murder here last night. Who holds the key to the mystery of apartment three?

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