Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive | 拾書所

Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive

$ 799 元 原價 1,225
【YouTube千萬訂閱! 德國本地排名第一科普 YouTube 頻道 Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell 】菲利普.德特默《免疫: 認識你的免疫系統, 45個打造身體堡壘的必備知識》 以深入淺出的文字佐以繽紛的視覺資訊圖表(infographics)帶領讀者探索人體內複雜度僅次於腦部的免疫系統。 You wake up and feel a tickle in your throat. Your head hurts. You’re mildly annoyed as you get the kids ready for school and dress for work yourself. Meanwhile, an epic war is being fought, just below your skin. Millions are fighting and dying for you to be able to complain as you head out the door.

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