Adriatic: A Concert of Civilizations at the End of the Modern Age | 拾書所

Adriatic: A Concert of Civilizations at the End of the Modern Age

$ 759 元 原價 759
美國地緣政治專家、暢銷書《地理的復仇》 作者 Robert D. Kaplan 羅柏.卡普蘭 新作! Adriatic聚焦常被世人遺忘,但實則佔舉足輕重之地的亞德里亞海地區,細數該地區作為東西文化交流的必經之地,是如何影響歐洲的過去、現在以及未來。 In this insightful travelogue, Robert D. Kaplan, geopolitical expert and bestselling author of Balkan Ghosts and The Revenge of Geography, turns his perceptive eye to a region that for centuries has been a meeting point of cultures, trade, and ideas. He undertakes a journey around the Adriatic Sea, through Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, and Greece, to reveal that far more is happening in the region than most news stories let on. Often overlooked, the Adriatic is in fact at the center of the most significant challenges of our time, including the rise of populist politics, the refugee crisis, and battles over the control of energy resources. And it is once again becoming a global trading hub that will determine Europe’s relationship with the rest of the world as China and Russia compete for dominance in its ports.

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