Jennifer Chan Is Not Alone | 拾書所

Jennifer Chan Is Not Alone

$ 277 元 原價 350
紐伯瑞金獎《遇見虎靈的女孩》作者新作! 跟別人不一樣就無法當朋友嗎?主角的新同學因為無法被班上同學接受而逃走了。同樣也常感覺被孤立的主角要如何幫助這個新同學?霸凌者與被霸凌者會有任何的轉變嗎? 我們都擁有影響及改變他人的力量。沒有人是孤單的。 作者泰‧凱勒的首部小說作品《愛的科學實驗》就獲得國家公共廣播電臺年度最佳圖書、柯克斯書評年度好書、芝加哥公立圖書館年度最佳圖書的肯定。2021年更以《遇見虎靈的女孩》獲得紐伯瑞金獎。擅長描寫深刻的內心感受與轉折、探討是非對錯,以文字激發改變的動力。 In her first novel since winning the Newbery Medal for When You Trap a Tiger, Tae Keller offers a gripping and emotional story about a girl who is alienated by her friends . . . for believing in aliens. Sometimes middle school can make you feel like you're totally alone in the universe...but what if we aren't alone at all? Thanks to her best friend, Reagan, Mallory Moss knows the rules of middle school. The most important one? You have to fit in to survive. But then Jennifer Chan moves in across the street, and that rule doesn’t seem to apply. Jennifer doesn’t care about the laws of middle school, or the laws of the universe. She believes in aliens—and she thinks she can find them.

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