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Poster Girl

$ 525 元 原價 665
《分歧者》作者 薇若妮卡.羅斯 2022新作! ✰ 華盛頓郵報每月選書推薦! 《分歧者》作者反烏托邦新作質問政治與科技失控後果。極權政府倒臺後,海報女郎頌雅淪為政治犯。入獄10年後她獲得重生機會,條件是找到一名在舊政權時代失蹤的女孩。 For fans of Anthony Marra and Lauren Beukes, #1 New York Times bestselling author Veronica Roth tells the story of a woman's desperate search for a missing girl after the collapse of the oppressive dystopian regime—and the dark secrets about her family and community she uncovers along the way. WHAT'S RIGHT IS RIGHT. Sonya Kantor knows this slogan—she lived by it for most of her life. For decades, everyone in the Seattle-Portland megalopolis lived under it, as well as constant surveillance in the form of the Insight, an ocular implant that tracked every word and every action, rewarding or punishing by a rigid moral code set forth by the Delegation.

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