The Digital Silk Road: China's Quest to Wire the World and Win the Future | 拾書所

The Digital Silk Road: China's Quest to Wire the World and Win the Future

$ 549 元 原價 549
強納生.希爾曼《中國網路圈套: 數位絲路如天羅地網控制全球未來, 美國華府智庫專家的關鍵報告》 【數位絲路】 悄然佈下天羅地網,不斷扎根背後窺伺和控制。 是滲透?是入侵?還是新形態的殖民主義? 2015年,中國政府提出數位經濟發展與「一帶一路」結合的「數位絲路」(Digital SilkRoad:數位絲綢之路)計畫。透過跨國基礎、數位網路建設,擴張中國影響力。 原勢如破竹的進展,近來因多國開始對國家安全產生疑慮,因此陸續受阻。 如今,數位網路建設和滲透,漸漸成為全球競賽的新戰場, 而危險風暴中心,就在北京! Its vast infrastructure projects now extend from the ocean floor to outer space, and from Africa's megacities into rural America. China is wiring the world, and, in doing so, rewriting the global order. As things stand, the rest of the world still has a choice. But the battle for tomorrow will require America and its allies to take daring risks in uncertain political terrain. Unchecked, China will reshape global flows of data to reflect its own interests - and the lives of countless individuals enmeshed in its systems.

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