Winter Recipes from the Collective | 拾書所

Winter Recipes from the Collective

$ 552 元 原價 699
2020年諾貝爾文學獎得主 露伊絲.葛綠珂作品! 第十三本詩集是他最令人難以忘懷的詩集之一,書迷千萬別錯過! Winter Recipes from the Collective is chamber music, an invitation into that privileged realm small enough for the individual instrument to make itself heard, dolente, its line sustained, carried, and then taken up by the next instrument, spirited, animoso, while at the same time being large enough to contain a whole lifetime, the inconceivable gifts and losses of old age, the little princesses rattling in the back of a car, an abandoned passport, the ingredients of an invigorating winter sandwich, a sister’s death, the joyful presence of the sun, its brightness measured by the darkness it casts.

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