The Book of Mother | 拾書所

The Book of Mother

$ 470 元 原價 595
凱薩琳菸抽太多、車開太快、感情太過戲劇化,不太像一個媽媽,維歐蓮娜從小就知道要趨吉避凶,小心翼翼地跟這個瘋狂的母親相處,直到母親因為第三次離婚身心崩潰住院,一切情況直轉急下。 Met by rave reviews in The New Yorker, The New York Times, and more, this stunning translation of Violaine Huisman’s “witty, immersive autofiction showcases a Parisian childhood with a charismatic, depressed parent” (Oprah Daily). Beautiful and magnetic, Catherine, a.k.a. “Maman,” smokes too much, drives too fast, laughs too hard, and loves too extravagantly, and her daughter Violaine wouldn’t have it any other way.

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