The Mermaid's Tale | 拾書所

The Mermaid's Tale

$ 499 元 原價 499
台灣已故作家李維菁最後作品《人魚記》英文版 個性內向靦腆的女子夏天,決定去學習國標舞,她總感覺自己像一隻人魚,在這個世界與感情路上,用新生的雙腳,顛簸不穩地走著,以得獎為目標的國標舞老師東尼是她的舞伴,舞蹈教室裡還有形形色色的人物,有明星光環的舞者,有才華洋溢卻不肯認真學習的女孩,也有跳著雙人舞卻早已貌合神離的夫妻,一圈又一圈的旋轉中,各種情感與意念也以姿態各異的舞步訴說不同的故事,追尋著不同的幻夢泡影。 If the mermaid doesn’t swim back to the sea, but instead goes ashore, she will learn to walk on two legs. Perhaps, she will even learn to dance...... In her early thirties, Summer lives alone, jobless, with little material wants. Her only passion is dancing. To be more specific, ballroom dancing. She is at an awkward position: she started too late to be competition-worthy, yet takes dancing far too seriously to be a mere pastime. Her solitary existence poses another obstacle: you need a partner in the ballroom, where "men lead, women follow" is the ironclad rule. Under the tutelage of the legendary Donny, Summer embarks on a journey of self-discovery and, perhaps more importantly, in search of the perfect partner. Her hopes are dashed again and again as she witnesses (and sometimes partners with) the colorful characters in the ballroom: the arrogant youngster Youlin from a dancing dynasty; the talented Grace who wants nothing but an ordinary life; and the petite Meixin, forever at war with her fiance/partner. There is of course Donny, the gay dancer ferociously committed to competition and every bit as traditional as most straight men.

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