Time is a Mother | 拾書所

Time is a Mother

$ 499 元 原價 825
【繞著生命碎片療傷,在強暴面前溫柔如常】 越裔美籍作家王鷗行以詩集《有著出口傷的夜空》獲得英國艾略特獎,成為該獎項最年輕得獎詩人。 在詩集《時間是位母親》中,王鷗行在母親過世後的震悸餘波中探求生命,體現身處悲傷卻又必須克服悲傷這種似非而是的矛盾。 詩人在記憶中穿梭,回應首部小說《此生,你我皆短暫燦爛》的課題,直面失親、家庭的意義,以及常年破碎的美國精神有何可喜。 In this deeply intimate second poetry collection, Ocean Vuong searches for life among the aftershocks of his mother's death, embodying the paradox of sitting within grief while being determined to survive beyond it. Shifting through memory, and in concert with the themes of his novel On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous, Vuong contends with personal loss, the meaning of family, and the value of joy in a perennially fractured American spirit. Vivid, brave, and propulsive, Vuong's poems circle fragmented lives to find both restoration as well as the epicentre of the break.

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