Yokai: The Ancient Prints of Japanese Monsters | 拾書所

Yokai: The Ancient Prints of Japanese Monsters

$ 1,651 元 原價 2,090
✰日本古代妖怪圖畫! 日本傳說中有許多妖怪角色,例如:蜘蛛女絡新婦、變身狸貓、化貓、河童以及美人魚,他們暗藏在日本傳統文化的神秘角落,本書搜羅了版畫、古書和私藏捲軸等等的妖怪圖像,帶領讀者一窺怪誕又迷人的日本藝術。 The long Pax Tokugawa was founded on the blood of 40,000 severed enemy heads. Indeed, 1600 marked the end of the period of wars that saw the defeat of the troops opposed to General Ieyasu Tokugawa. The absence of wars, banishing the memories and horrors of past massacres, favoured the development of epic tales that gave rise to dark and terrifying atmospheres, such as the game of the hundred candles, a test of courage in which a handful of warriors meet on a summer night to tell each other scary stories populated by monsters from the national tradition. So we have the Joro¯ gumo, comely women who reveal their true nature as enormous spiders to their victims; the Tanuki, endearing badgers able to transform themselves; the Bakeneko, monstrous cats; the Kappa, aquatic beings that pester women; the Ningyo, mermaids whose fragrant flesh can give men renewed youth or an excruciating death.

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