Beneath the Night: How the Stars Have Shaped the History of Humankind | 拾書所

Beneath the Night: How the Stars Have Shaped the History of Humankind

$ 473 元 原價 599
從史前時代到太空競速,人們時常抬頭仰望星空,為之震懾,為之感動或得到靈感。 從史前洞窟壁畫,到古埃及對星空的描繪,直至人類發射衛星,星空與天文史中與人類息息相關,作者深入淺出地帶領讀者走進星空的世界,一探給與藝術加、詩人、哲學家和科學家無盡靈感的宇宙蒼穹。 The awe-inspiring history of humanity told through our relationship with stars and the night sky. From the Stone Age to the Space Age, Stuart Clark explores a fascination shared across the world, one that has unequivocally shaped us as civilisations and as individuals, housing our hopes and fears. In the stars, we can see our past – and ultimately, our fate.

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