Lets Talk About Friendship: A Guide to Help Adults Talk With Kids About Friendship | 拾書所

Lets Talk About Friendship: A Guide to Help Adults Talk With Kids About Friendship

$ 565 元 原價 715
和小朋友談談友誼!用可愛插圖探討重要主題,隨附20張對話卡,引導小朋友敞開心扉建立同伴關係,結合模擬情境和挑戰任務,增加小朋友跟同儕和大人的互動,幫助兒童建立重要的社交能力並培養同情心、溝通能力和傾聽技巧。 A book-and-card set featuring thoughtful exercises and prompts to encourage open conversations about childhood friends and relationships. Start the conversation and help children open up about peer relationships with Let's Talk About Friendship. Featuring a beautifully illustrated book and 20 accompanying conversation cards, Let's Talk About Friendship inspires thoughtful discussions between adults and children, helping young people to speak about relationships with their peers and the bonds they are developing to encourage social and emotional wellbeing.

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