The Expectation Effect: How Your Mindset Can Transform Your Life | 拾書所

The Expectation Effect: How Your Mindset Can Transform Your Life

$ 478 元 原價 605
【如何運用吸引力法則讓你真的「心想事成」?】 大衛.羅布森 《心念的力量: 運用大腦的期望效應, 找到扭轉人生的開關》 英國科學記者David Robson透過科學數據分析,證明我們的大腦其實決定了一切,而我們則需開發掌控,善用大腦的各種機制,讓「心想」真的能夠「事成」。 透過這樣的心法訓練,當我們面對生活裡的壓力、焦慮、憤怒、悲傷等強烈情緒,我們可以辨認出哪些是事實,哪些是我們自己加諸於上的幻想,減低痛苦,並有餘裕思考該如何決問題。 People who believe ageing brings wisdom live longer. Lucky charms really do improve an athlete's performance. Taking a placebo, even when you know it is a placebo, can still improve your health. Welcome to The Expectation Effect. David Robson takes us on a tour of the cutting-edge research happening right now that suggests our expectations shape our experience. Of course, you can't just think yourself thinner, happier or fitter, but using this book you can reframe many different facets of your life. These easy-to-use skills will help you on your way to becoming the person you want to be, living the life you want to live.

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