The Swedish Art of Ageing Well | 拾書所

The Swedish Art of Ageing Well

$ 499 元 原價 499
【瑞典式變老指南:如何擁抱生命並快樂老去】 以下是完美老去的建議:穿條紋上衣、吃巧克力、探望朋友時帶著琴湯尼,不要摔倒,永遠保持開放態度。 紐約時報暢銷書“The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning”《死前斷捨離: 讓親人少點負擔, 給自己多點愉悅》作者瑪格莉特‧努曼森,再次以幽默和智慧,書寫21世紀的健康快樂變老指南,學會享受生活,擁抱生命最後的時光。 This is a guide to a life well-lived. It is about the wonder of the everyday and the lessons that age brings. Wear stripes. Eat chocolate. Don't leave empty-handed. But also embrace change, let go of what doesn't matter and take care of something or someone other than yourself. The Swedish Art of Ageing Well is a gentle and welcome reminder that, no matter your age, there are always fresh discoveries ahead and pleasures to be enjoyed every day.

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