Emotion by Design: Creative Leadership Lessons from a Life at Nike | 拾書所

Emotion by Design: Creative Leadership Lessons from a Life at Nike

$ 652 元 原價 825
【耐吉人生一路向前,品牌創意人領導心法】 看 Nike 前行銷長 Greg Hoffman 如何釋放團隊的創造力! 對行銷人來說,本書不只是勵志故事,更是引爆創意和建立消費者情感連結的指南。 霍夫曼1992年從耐吉設計實習生做起,一路升任至行銷總監,並以全球創新品牌副總裁身分退休,27年的職涯與耐吉的品牌形塑密不可分。 他在書中分享生涯成長、創意心法,還有領導原則如:「創意是團隊運動」、「勇於被記住」、「要創造記憶,更要流傳久遠」等。 Nike's former Chief Marketing Officer reveals how to unlock the creativity of any team. Creativity. It's the rocket-fuel that powers the planet's coolest brand, ensuring that Nike's campaigns connect with the deepest emotions of customers around the world. Creativity. It's the downfall of countless companies every year - its absence leading to tired ideas, predictable branding, bored customers. Creativity. It's a skill that can be learnt, just like any other. Join Greg Hoffman, Nike's former Chief Marketing Officer, as he helps craft the company's iconic campaigns for Ronaldo and Serena, Olympic Games and World Cup finals. Together, his insights offer a revelatory method that will make any brand more creative: emotion by design.

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